Raw Vegan Pad Thai #vegetarian #vegan #easy #food #dinner

Raw Vegan Pad Thai #vegetarian #vegan #easy #food #dinner

Its a well known fact that plant nourishments are beneficial for you. A great many investigations bolsters the advantages of foods grown from the ground in remaining sound and counteracting incessant infection. What's more, numerous individuals all around the globe are acknowledging these proposals, expanding their utilization of plant nourishments as a component of their ordinary eating routine.

For as far back as year Nikki and I have included progressively crude nourishments into our eating routine. I'd state we eat 80 or 85 percent crude. I do comprehend this isn't a perfect way of life and an eating routine arrangement for everybody, anyway I accept that we all could profit by eating lighter and progressively lively nourishment. Consider it including new nourishments instead of expelling old ones.

A decent aspect regarding this vegetarian cushion Thai formula, and crude veggie lover plans when all is said in done, is that they are likewise delectable the following day as a supper since they hold a greater amount of their freshness and supplement content.

Raw Vegan Pad Thai #vegetarian #vegan #easy #food #dinner

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Ingredients :


  • 2 cups of kelp noodles one package
  • 1 organic zucchini
  • 1/3 cup raw cashews crushed (preferably organic)
  • 1 large carrot graded
  • 4 leaves of dinosaur kale chopped
  • 1/3 cup fresh cilantro chopped
  • 2 tbs fresh basil chopped


  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 cup cashews soaked 2 hours & drained
  • 1 red bell pepper seeded & chopped
  • 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt


  • 2 tbs dry seaweed thinly sliced or cut with scissors
  • Lime cut into wedges

Instructions :

  1. Rinse kelp noodles and strain.
  2. Cut the kelp noodles up a few times with kitchen scissors, otherwise they can be too long.
  3. To make your zucchini noodles, use a spiralizer on the thick noodle setting.
  4. If you don't have spiralizer you can simply cut the zucchini into thin long strips or use a potato peeler to get a noodle like effect.
  5. Place the kelp and zucchini noodles into a large bowl. Mix in crushed cashews, grated carrot, thinly chopped kale, cilantro and basil. Set aside.
Source : bit.ly/2pR2hoi

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