DANDELION GREENS #vegetarian #easy #dinner #cauliflower #mushroom

DANDELION GREENS #vegetarian #easy #dinner #cauliflower #mushroom

Searched greens are the first of the spring vegetables, coming in significantly sooner than asparagus, as indicated by Rebecca Wood. Surrender it over to this versatile weed to need to be the first and most grounded to jab its green verdant head out in the midst of the virus! Of late, and over the recent years, it hasn't been strange to see these supplement pressed, splendid, since quite a while ago leafed greens hitting neighborhood staple goods and rancher's business sectors.

Dandelion greens are known for their unpleasant taste and differ in their level of sharpness, particularly wild forms. I find that including a little hot vinegar or apple juice vinegar directly toward the finish of this dish helps remove a portion of the sharpness.

DANDELION GREENS #vegetarian #easy #dinner #cauliflower #mushroom

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Ingredients :

  • Large bunch dandelion greens, rinsed of dirt and rough chopped with stems
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 5 garlic cloves, sliced thin
  • 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper
  • 1/2 cup vegetable broth
  • 2 tablespoons pine nuts
  • Juice from 1/2 lemon
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Splash of hot pepper vinegar sauce (apple cider vinegar can be used instead)

Instructions :

  1. Heat olive oil over medium heat until shimmering in a saucepan. Add the garlic and crushed red pepper. Cook, stirring frequently just until the garlic starts to brown.
  2. Add the chopped dandelion greens in and toss well to coat. Pour in the vegetable broth and simmer, stirring occasionally over medium heat until the broth is almost completely absorbed.
  3. Toss in pine nuts, lemon juice, then add the vinegar and mix to incorporate. Serve hot or warm as a side dish — or make it a meal by serving with a couple of fried eggs.
Source : bit.ly/2xV0diH

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