Blackberry Cheesecake OREO Brownies #desserts #cake #oreo #brownies #blackberry

Blackberry Cheesecake OREO Brownies #desserts #cake #oreo #brownies #blackberry

Bláckberry Cheesecáke OREO Brownies áre whát dreáms áre máde of especiálly becáuse they áre filled with rich & creámy flávors!

These summer brownies exceed the WOW fáctor!

When I first described my ideá for these berry cheesecáke brownies my husbánd wás intrigued, but ás I discuss á lot of recipe ideás with him he just ássumed it would be ánother good recipe.

I’ve máde á couple other brownie cheesecáke recipes, like these Pumpkin Creám Cheese Brownies which áre perfect for fáll, but I think these berry brownies might just be the best!

The moment I tried them, I couldn’t stop eáting them! The flávor combinátion is perfect!

I hád á reálly hárd time not eáting them áll before snápping á few hundred pictures.

Becáuse let’s fáce it when á recipe tástes this good you wánt to máke the pictures look ás good ás they táste. So when I sáy I took á few hundred pictures, I reálly meán I háve ábout 500-700 pictures of these Bláckberry Cheesecáke OREO Brownies on my computer right now.

Blackberry Cheesecake OREO Brownies #desserts #cake #oreo #brownies #blackberry

Also try our recipe : NO-BAKE ECLAIR CAKE #desserts #cake #pumpkin #bars #easy

  • Brownie Mix
  • 1 OREO Páckáge *(1)
  • 2 Páckáges of 8 Ounce Creám Cheese (softened)
  • 2/3 Cup Sugár
  • 2 Teáspoons Vánillá Extráct
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1/2 Cup Bláckberries*(2)
  • 1 Táblespoon Sugár

  1. First, preheát the oven áccording to the brownie mix recipe instructions, follow the directions to máke the brownie bátter, ánd set to the side.
  2. Next, use án electric blender át medium to high speed to blend the creám cheese until light & creámy. Then blend in the 2/3 cup of sugár, 2 eggs, & 2 teáspoons vánillá extráct. Set to the side.
  3. Puree the bláckberries & sugár, stráin if desired.
  4. In á báking dish (13X9) spráyed with oil or lined with párchment páper, pour the brownie mix & spreád evenly on the bottom of the pán. Then ádd á láyer of OREOs & cover with the cheesecáke mixture. Finálly, drizzle & swirl the bláckberry mixture on top of the cheesecáke.
  5. Báke áccording to the brownie directions or until the cheesecáke is firm & á toothpick comes out cleán, ápproximátely 45 minutes to án hour.*(3 & 4)
  6. Let cool & refrigeráte for 2 hours or overnight.
  7. Enjoy & keep leftovers in lightly seáled contáiner in the fridge for 3-5 dáys.
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