HOW TO FROST CUPCAKES #dessert #cupcakes #pumpkin #recipes #easy

HOW TO FROST CUPCAKES #dessert #cupcakes #pumpkin #recipes #easy

We should discuss how to ice your cupcakes! I have an incredible instructional exercise and video today to give you nine distinct approaches to ice a cupcake utilizing six diverse funneling tips!

The present post has been bound to happen! I have a magnificent post on the best way to ice a perfectly smooth cake, however as of not long ago didn't have one for cupcakes. I'm so happy to at last fix that!

The principal thing to discuss is icing. I frequently utilize an American Buttercream, yet have likewise utilized these channeling systems with settled whipped cream, meringue icing and even some with chocolate ganache.

Interestingly, I regularly hear individuals state that their icing is excessively thick or slender. I have incredible post on icing consistency that ought to have the option to respond to your inquiries on how make your icing with the goal that it's perfect. It's actually about the harmony between the thickness and volume given by the powdered sugar and the measure of spread and milk or water, which relax the icing.

HOW TO FROST CUPCAKES #dessert #cupcakes #pumpkin #recipes #easy

Also try our recipe : PUMPKIN WAFFLES #pumpkin #waffles #recipes #easy #healthy


  • 1 cup (230 grams) unsalted butter, softened to room temperature
  • 3 cups (360 grams) powdered sugar
  • 2-3 tablespoons heavy cream or heavy whipping cream
  • 1 teaspoon strawberry extract
  • pinch of salt adjust to taste


  1. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, or in a large mixing bowl using an electric mixer, beat the butter on medium speed until smooth.
  2. Add in the powdered sugar and mix on low speed at first, then increase to medium speed and continue mixing for another 1-2 minutes until the mixture starts to come together.
  3. Add in the heavy cream (start with 2 tablespoons and add a little more if needed), vanilla extract, and salt and continue mixing on medium-high speed for another minute or until everything is well combined, scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed.
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